5 Reasons You Are So Awesome

You are UNIQUE

Start the day by telling yourself you are so awesome, yes you are! Focus your time and your thoughts on all your positives because at the end of the day no one will love you the way you love yourself.
Remember this:

You are UNIQUE!

Your thoughts and upbringing, your body and mind, limitations and advantages, you are rare and unique. Wonderful inside and out and there isn’t anyone like you.⁠

You are awesome


When the time comes to make a decision, you make it, for better or for worse, no regrets just lessons learned and that makes you better every time.⁠

You CARE for others

You are always there when someone’s feeling down or just needs a little extra support. Your encouragement is always welcome, you are a good friend and that makes you awesome!⁠

You are awesome - you care

You FORGIVE yourself and others

You know life is too short to duel in the little things. You understand whatever has gone wrong today can be made better tomorrow so you let go of the hurt that comes from past events.⁠

You LOVE with intensity

You give yourself to others without expecting anything in return, OK, maybe you expect some love in return but that is only fair no? You also love yourself and every day that passes you give yourself a round of applause for all the accomplishments and all the awesomeness that you are. ⁠

Yes! Go ahead and give yourself a mental compliment, you are perfect, you are amazing, you are YOU⁠.

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