Everyday mindfulness on the little things

Everyday mindfulness is a journey not a destination

Some may say the road to true happiness is already within us but with all that is happening everyday around us, it just seems impossible to truly be joyful and enjoy the moment. Noticing how little things affect us positively will give us the blissful happiness we all deserve. Everyday mindfulness should be a journey not a destination.

Everyday Mindfulness

The reality is, it is in our human nature to focus mainly on the negative and this creates a series of reactions in our bodies that affect our wellbeing, I am talking stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression and more. All of that plus if you suffer from some sort of a body imbalance or an illness sometimes it becomes too much to deal with.

Is everyday mindfulness right for me?

Suffering myself from a pituitary brain tumor that affects my hormones and my mood, I have to deal with the bad thoughts and worries all day. The anger, the insecurities, the questions, why is this happening to me? Perhaps I am special, I have been telling myself this for a long time! I decided I haven’t got time to feel this way or to have any self-doubt, there is too much to be enjoyed, I want to relish every moment, even the laundry, yes the laundry, though not my favourite thing to do, I learned to find joy in it and it’s now becoming very therapeutic. Let me tell you how?

Finding everyday mindfulness on the little things

By slowing down just a pace or two in the process of doing everyday chores or repetitive tasks I started to notice what is happening around me, the feeling of my feet against the floor, my hands folding the clothes, I may observe new details on the clothes, I am a spectator and disconnect completely from my worries, I observe them, I can see how they make me feel and then release them. I was practicing mindfulness and enjoying every moment.

Why don’t you give it a try? Pick one task that you tend to rush through and give yourself time to enjoy it, time to notice it. It may be watering your plants or putting a mask on while you observe your surroundings, giving your mind a rest, the time to rejuvenate and to feel the joy.

Mindfulness is within you. It only takes slowing down a bit to notice.

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